Thursday, June 24, 2010

change is in the air

Time to come back to what matters….it’s been a while and I’m feeling that things like friends and a place to call home are what matters. Of course I say this as the move countdown begins, dare I say, 6 weeks until we are officially leaving California.

It’s amazing how with an imminent departure my view of my immediate surroundings take on a whole different look and feel. Suddenly there is nostalgia, for what I’m not so sure. Maybe it’s not nostalgia at all but a confluence of feelings: anxiety, excitement, tinged with a bit of fear…or perhaps it’s just the looming sense of change that is on the horizon.

And home, what is home? According to Webster’s II, the definition under 4b is: “a valued place considered to be a refuge or place of origin.” So I leave behind the city that has become my place of refuge and move [back] to my place of origin. The challenge before me is to make my place of origin become my place of refuge.

Monday, September 28, 2009

warding off evil

Strange how things happen and they seem unrelated but then suddenly it all makes sense. Sunday I was at the Abbott Kinney Street Festival and I bought a beautiful necklace. It's a long gold chain with a big round coin and a gorgeous ruby bead. The coin has an image of Ganesha on it. Come to find out later that day that a very dear close family friend passed away the day before. So despite my finding beauty in an image I had seen many times over I was suddenly drawn to it only to find out I needed the power of the deity "right here, right now" (to quote Mo Willems).

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What does maybe mean?

Last night I was putting EDA to bed and he asked me a question.

I responded with "Maybe"

He asked me what does maybe mean?

I said it was sort of in the middle of yes and no.

He said, mom, I understand yes and no! Please give me a yes or no answer not maybe!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

there's no turning back

bear with me this is day one on my blog. i don't mean to be a bore but just last week i got the official notice that i was not accepted into an MBA program in sustainability. i thought in order to really humble myself i had to share it, so here it is.

cut to the chase: i figured since this bruised my ego i had to share it and start sharing about the things that do matter.
stay tuned.