Thursday, June 24, 2010

change is in the air

Time to come back to what matters….it’s been a while and I’m feeling that things like friends and a place to call home are what matters. Of course I say this as the move countdown begins, dare I say, 6 weeks until we are officially leaving California.

It’s amazing how with an imminent departure my view of my immediate surroundings take on a whole different look and feel. Suddenly there is nostalgia, for what I’m not so sure. Maybe it’s not nostalgia at all but a confluence of feelings: anxiety, excitement, tinged with a bit of fear…or perhaps it’s just the looming sense of change that is on the horizon.

And home, what is home? According to Webster’s II, the definition under 4b is: “a valued place considered to be a refuge or place of origin.” So I leave behind the city that has become my place of refuge and move [back] to my place of origin. The challenge before me is to make my place of origin become my place of refuge.