Monday, September 28, 2009

warding off evil

Strange how things happen and they seem unrelated but then suddenly it all makes sense. Sunday I was at the Abbott Kinney Street Festival and I bought a beautiful necklace. It's a long gold chain with a big round coin and a gorgeous ruby bead. The coin has an image of Ganesha on it. Come to find out later that day that a very dear close family friend passed away the day before. So despite my finding beauty in an image I had seen many times over I was suddenly drawn to it only to find out I needed the power of the deity "right here, right now" (to quote Mo Willems).

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What does maybe mean?

Last night I was putting EDA to bed and he asked me a question.

I responded with "Maybe"

He asked me what does maybe mean?

I said it was sort of in the middle of yes and no.

He said, mom, I understand yes and no! Please give me a yes or no answer not maybe!